Urgent Call to Save the Monarch Butterfly: Act Now Before It's Too Late!

Urgent Call to Save the Monarch Butterfly: Act Now Before It's Too Late!

The fate of the monarch butterfly hangs in the balance, and time is running out. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has extended the deadline for their listing determination for the monarch butterfly to December 4, 2024. This critical decision could determine whether the monarch butterfly is officially recognized as an endangered species.

The USFWS has stated:

“The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is now planning to submit to the Federal Register for publication either a warranted or not warranted finding for the monarch butterfly by no later than December 4, 2024. This extension will give our agency sufficient time to consider all the best available scientific and commercial data pertaining to the species and to go through any necessary levels of internal review.”

This extension gives us a narrow window to act. The monarch butterfly's situation is dire, with populations declining by over 90% in recent decades due to habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change. The species was already found to be warranted for listing under the Endangered Species Act in 2020, but other priorities delayed its protection.

A unique and effective way to support monarch conservation is by creating a demand for products like milkweed seed oil and fiber. These products encourage the planting of more milkweed, which is the only plant that monarch butterflies can survive on. By fostering a market for milkweed-based products, we can incentivize farmers and gardeners to cultivate more milkweed, providing essential breeding habitats for monarchs and helping to stabilize their declining populations.

Now, more than ever, we must rally together to protect these iconic pollinators. By supporting conservation efforts, planting milkweed, reducing pesticide use, and spreading awareness, we can make a difference.

Stay informed and get involved. Visit Native Monarchs and follow @NativeMonarchs on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok for updates and resources.  Donate now to help create critical habitat for breeding and feeding purposes!

Let's not wait until December. The time to act is now—before we lose the monarch butterfly forever.

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